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Fathiya Fousseni: She Wins Mastermind

How Fathiya Fousseni built She Wins Mastermind - a platform that mentors female entrepreneurs.

Please introduce yourself (name, countries where you lived, your passions and hobbies).

My name is Fathiya Fousseni. I was born and raised in Italy, and decided to move to London 6 years ago.

I'm a business strategist who helps women start and grow their business by mastering online marketing skills.

When I’m not working on my business, you will find me cooking something delicious for my family, baking a cake, travelling to an exotic country or drawing on my iPad.

When did your passion for entrepreneurship first begin and what was your first entrepreneurial project?

To be honest, it happened by accident, I never thought about having my own business.

I came to London with an open mind and met my mentor who introduced me to network marketing and that’s how everything began.

After that experience, I decided to build my own consulting company. I fell in love with the industry of building relationships and helping others succeed.

What are the biggest lessons you learned in your first entrepreneurial project? What failure taught you something valuable?

The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that you can’t do it all alone, and DIY your way to building a successful and profitable business.

You need help from someone who knows what you don’t know and who has already developed the skills that you need to succeed. This could be a mentor or coach.

My biggest failure and learning experience was running my first business. I struggled with setting up my business and generating income.

I guess it was because I tried to do it all by myself without asking for help.

I ended up struggling and wasting a lot of time.

This is one of the reasons why I advise my clients investing in a coach or expert, especially when you are beginning your entrepreneurial journey. The guidance that you get makes everything easier.

Fathiya is ready to mentor you

What is your current entrepreneurial venture? Please write down the name of your venture and describe it.

I’m the founder and owner of She Wins Mastermind - a global community for female entrepreneurs that helps connect, network and get support while growing your business.

Our goal is to empower and educate women on online marketing skills so that they can have more time and financial freedom.

I’m also the founder of influvent - an influencer network and creative marketing agency - where we help businesses create a brand that stands out from their competitors.

What are the mission and vision of She Wins Mastermind?

Our mission is to provide support and empower women worldwide to build businesses.

Our next goal is to provide the resources and support to one million women to design the life of their dreams and be financially comfortable.

What are the values of your corporate culture?

Our core values are collaboration and integrity.

As a heart-centred business, we believe in building partnership and collaborations with companies that share our vision.

We prioritize our clients and customers and lead our services and products with integrity.

What does a normal workday in your business look like?

I’m a morning person, because of that, I usually wake up around 6am and do some stretching/meditation, I then have a green smoothie and check my schedule for the day.

After, I’ll have a Team check-in call on zoom around 9 am to discuss the priorities of the day, any client work that needs to be done and deadlines.

I then check my e-mails and discuss future collaborations and partnerships for the She wins membership, the She wins podcast and influvent.

After, I’ll have a call on zoom with my Elite clients for business coaching and mentoring.

Lastly, I engage in my social media platform. That’s my usual workday.

What is the most fulfilling/exciting part of your career?

The fact that I get to create something from nothing and help my clients and customers make their dreams come true.

I know it may sound cliché, but the most fulfilling part of my business is impacting other people's lives and helping others.

What is the biggest advice you can give other female entrepreneurs based on your experience in the business field?

I’ll say hire a mentor or a coach and don’t be afraid to invest in yourself.

Ask for help when you need it. Be open to learning new things and take action all the time.

What are your favorite biz apps? (social media apps, graphic apps, networking apps…?)

Canva to create professional and creative graphics and content for our platforms and Instagram for marketing and building a better relationship with our clients and customers.

What projects do you have in mind for the future of your business?

My aim is for the She Wins platform to have everything a woman needs to have a fulfilling life so we are working on having life coaching,international live events, counselling and much more.

Please list your favorite books, podcasts, songs or movies (does not have to be business related) and explain why you love them.

I listen to a lot of podcasts. My favourites are the Angie Lee Show because it’s fun and covers business, lifestyle and health and the Goal Digger podcast because it shares actionable tips.

I enjoy movies too - my favourites are classics like the Titanic and Ghost.

Please list your website and social media so our followers can get in touch with She Wins Master Mind.

On Instagram you can connect with me on or @Shewinsmastermind

On Linkedin and Facebook at Fathiya Fousseni.

What else would you like to share with our readers today?

I have a podcast called She Wins where every week we interview women from all over the world and they share their life experience and entrepreneurship journey.

It can be found on all major platforms including Itunes, Spotify and google podcast.


Fathiya Fousseni is the founder of She Wins Mastermind and is a passionate entrepreneur, educator and business strategist.

She helps women entrepreneurs cut through the online marketing noise and build a profitable business that stands out.

Expert in online marketing strategies, and the host of the top-ranked podcast, She Wins.

Fathiya is the go-to person for online marketing, branding, mindset and community building.

Her work revolves around creating long term marketing strategies and building leverage through community building.

Having the experience of launching multiple brands, her mentoring style is motivational and practical.


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