Meet the Italian poet - Andrea Palazzo.

Andrea Palazzo is an Italian poet who has released a series of works (in the Italian language). He has produced over 11 published literary books, and his latest work entitled "An Uncomfortable Sun" (2017) grabbed EVMO 's attention.
Below, EVMO selected 1 of Andrea's poems and created a semantic and interpretative English translation to extend his material to a global audience.
Selected Poem:

You may have a glance at the original Italian poem entitled "Reazione" (Reaction). Reading poems in the original language helps internalize the music that is intrinsic to the #worldofpoetry.
English Translation:

(En face = in front of). This entire piece is mezmerizing for its 'definition through contrast and opposition'. The protagonist wishes to be "sick," (of a love with NO symptoms). This is clearly a conscious and purposeful contraddiction - that serves to dive the reader in a type of #metaphysical reality where everything is possible.
As a matter of fact, tickle your #imagination and envisage yourself similar to "the bone of a peach".
For more on Andrea Palazzo, follow his poetry on facebook at:
More of his poems can be found on our instagram page: @evmonews
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